Great News


Precision Future™

Greater things are yet to come

GREAT NEWS: as of January 2024

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ASTIGCO GROUP, PLC. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

A man manipulates a futuristic digital display to use artificial intelligence tools.



Astigco is venturing into the exciting realm of artificial intelligence (A.I.). Here’s what you need to know about their groundbreaking A.I. project:

  1. Project Name: ASTIGCO A.I. Group
  2. Releasing Date: December 2025
  3. Purpose and Impact:

    • The A.I. project aims to assist people in facing physical and mental challenges, including unexpected accidents and natural disasters.

    • It embodies resilience, hope, and faith, empowering individuals to become stronger in adversity.
  1. Innovations and Solutions:
    • The A.I. will provide real-world solutions, enhancing preparedness and response.
    • Imagine a tool that helps humanity navigate crises with courage and determination.



  1. SDGs Alignment:
    • Astigco’s goals align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), contributing to a better world.
  2. Accessing Details:
    • To learn more about this transformative A.I. project, log in to our platform and explore the future of resilience and innovation.

Welcome to the forefront of technological advancement! Astigco’s commitment to progress and positive impact shines through this groundbreaking initiative. 🌏

Industry and environment concept. Sustainable development goals. SDGs.

ASTIGCO GROUP, PLC. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.


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ASTIGCO A.I. GROUP is dedicated to innovative solutions and advanced intelligence. Their A.I. endeavors extend beyond conventional Artificial Intelligence (A.I.).

Let’s explore some of their projects:

ASTIGCO’S First A.I. (Releasing December 2025):

Remarks: ASTIGCO A.I. is not artificial intelligence but

a far more than that. It’s an advanced critical thinking featuring the future’s tech and resilience for the people earth.

This groundbreaking A.I. aims to empower people, making them more resilient in the face of physical and mental challenges. Whether it’s unexpected accidents or natural disasters, this A.I. embodies hope, faith, and strength for humanity

|It’s not just about A.I.; it’s about ASTIGCO INNOVATIONS, tailored solutions for various industries, addressing the issues humanity has encountered.


hired officer/s & newly promoted personnel/s

Welcome to Astigco, our newest team member! 🌟 We’re thrilled to have you on board as part of our dynamic and innovative group. As you embark on this exciting journey, here are a few things to keep in mind:



Group of people holding hands team unity



    • At Astigco, we stand as one cohesive group, combining expertise across various technologies.
    • Our commitment to proficiency and accountability drives our collective efforts.


Innovations and Resilience:

    • You’ve joined a team that thrives on innovation. Our upcoming A.I. project, set to launch in December 2025, will assist people and enhance resilience in the face of physical and mental challenges, including unexpected accidents and natural disasters.

    • Remember, we’re here to be a beacon of hope and faith for humanity.

Resilience. Dictionary definition, selective focus. Perseverance, adaptation and dealing with failure concept.
DNA Tech Logo
Photo on SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) theme. Wooden cubes with the acronym "SDG", and sticky notes, on the background of skeleton magnolia leaf


SDGs Alignment:

    • Astigco’s goals align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We contribute to a better world through technology and solutions that empower individuals and communities.


Areas of Impact:

    • Explore our diverse domains, from CRM and e-commerce integration to global supply chain management.

    • Dive into Internet, software, technology, and e-commerce innovations.

    • Our healthcare and biotech efforts continue, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Businessman with mask, Analysis coronavirus impact on global economy and stock markets, Effects of outbreak and pandemic covid-19, Economy crisis, Stocks fall and financial crisis.
Protect our precious resources


Accessing Resources:

    • To access specific pages related to your area of work, log in to our platform.

    • Whether it’s automotive, business services, agri-food, fintech, or any other field, we’re here to collaborate.

ASTIGCO GROUP, PLC. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Remember, you’re not just an employee; you’re an integral part of our mission to create a more resilient world. Feel free to explore, learn, and contribute. Welcome aboard! 🌏



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Login concept
Login screen
Technology Concept: LOGIN


Collaborate and Communicate:

    • Engage with your colleagues, share insights, and collaborate on projects.

    • Use the platform’s communication features to connect with team members across different domains.

    • Remember, per username has feature-restic access all in one platform design by ASTIGCO to secure everything on the internet so make sure you do not forget your password. By the way, you’ll need your designated device to receive OTP.

Remember, Astigco’s strength lies in its unified approach and proficiency across various technologies. Connect, learn, and contribute to our mission of resilience and innovation! 🌏


Congratulations to the newly promoted president of Astigco!

Your ascent to this high position is a testament to your capabilities and mettle in the most perilous yet unparalleled profession. As you take on this crucial role, remember the following:

  1. Exemplary Leadership:
    • You are tasked with exemplary leadership and a clear vision for Astigco.
    • Efficiently manage the organization, its assets, and maintain its effectivity and resilience.
  2. Guardians and Future Leaders:
    • Lead and mobilize the nation’s new generation of guardians and future leaders.
    • Instill in them the virtues of discipline, valor, and patriotic public service.
  3. Strategic Guidance:
    • High-level security intelligence and analysis are crucial.
    • Fully apprise the Commander-in-Chief and strategically guide planning and decision-making.

2024' NEW ERA

4. New Leadership

    • Astigco enters a new era—one that looks outward while building on internal gains.
    • With changing geopolitics and global security dynamics, challenges lie ahead.
    • The ASTIGCO must emerge effective, formidable, and responsive to defend our Group of Companies’s integrity and interests.

Your strategic leadership will be the fulcrum and compass, ensuring Astigco moves in the right direction, guided by the ASTIGCO GROUP’s Constitutional corporate and Democratic principles. 🚀🌏

President sign

The message from the Office of the President at Astigco is one of inspiration, resilience, and unwavering commitment. As we navigate the challenges of our time, let us draw strength from these words:


Office of the President

"Dear Astigco,

All employees and members of the astigco group of companies are important. Please do not forget as astigco we will solved the mystery in life.As Astigco, we embark on a quest to unravel the enigmas that shroud existence.

We stand united as one group, fueled by innovation and determination. Our mission transcends boundaries, reaching every corner of the earth. From the unexpected accidents to nature’s fiercest disasters, we remain resilient.

Our upcoming A.I. project, set to launch in December 2025, embodies hope and faith. It will assist people, making them stronger physically and mentally. Let us be the beacon of courage, lighting the path toward a more resilient world. By the way, our A.I. is not an Artificial Intelligence it is focused on Astigco Innovations. Straight to the point and straight from the heart of our core values.

Remember our core values: Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Makakalikasan, and Makabansa. Uphold reverence for life, show compassion, promote environmental consciousness, and contribute to our nation’s betterment.

Together, we forge ahead, guided by proficiency and accountability. Let Astigco’s innovations echo across time, leaving a legacy of impact.

Mr EImer Caberte


May these words inspire us all as we strive for excellence and resilience. 🌏

“ Precision The Future™ ”

Fr The President EMC

Person Standing on Top Of Hill

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Precision The Future™

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